Oh, what a night!
Oh, what a Night!

I wore my Dolce & Gabbana rose/stressed/gold/leopard-printed heels and strategically placed a rose flower in my hair. Passed, on my way to Marcel Khalefe’s live performance, by a thing I was invited to for a quick here-look-at-me-I-didn’t-ignore-your-invitation. Where something fascinating unexpectedly happened; I met a blogger.
Wearing my Dolce & Gabbana rose/stressed/gold/leopard-printed heels, I sat on the floor of a fire exit with tens of other’s who, just like me, weren’t deterred by the fact that due to an unexpectedly large show up no more seats were vacant. At the art center’s cultural hall of the national Museum of Bahrain people were singing, laughing, crying, and loving. Never before in my life had I seen so much Humanity in one small hall.
PS: I won’t say who the blogger was and the extraordinary way we met until the blogger has a chance to blog about it (so curious to see the blogger/now-friend’s take on it)
Posted by SaudiEve at 11:58 PM
God ! J'adore your blog !
it's my guilty pleasure !
last night I stayed up late, stopped studying for my chemistry test just to read it.
True in every word it was a night worth of a lifetime… it is a sham I haven’t ran into you… feel we have so much in common :)
Check it out ;p
Masha'Allah, that was a concert I would have loved to have gone to.
Magical, indeed
Merci beaucoup, j'adore votre blog 2
Always ditch a chemistry exam to do something you like, sweet one..
NEWme & Daydreamer
My chance meeting with Jo (a thought in the kingdom of lunacy) fata7 sh’hyte for meeting more bloggers. For it was a great experience, and hopefully a start of a great friendship. Or as my mom puts it “usually we know of people; what they look like, their name, the first impressions they give.. then we know their character/them; what they think, how they think..etc. and this is what makes meeting your new blogger-friend so special”
And yes, Newme, we do have so much in common.
hi girlfriend
Abu Sinan
you know, Marcel does U.S. concerts..
salam: ilike ur blog. but Allah will like it if u write for thosefor whom none dares to write noone dares to speak. these r ur true natural islamic feelings try to be islamic. try to lear Quran and hadeeth. life is very short. Make ur life meaningful otherwise everyone does what u r doing. try to follow the milestones laid by great suhabas....wasalam...mail me and visit my blog. mueensalfi@gawab.com
i was at that concert in one of the fire exits too! crazy
but what an amazing concert it was.
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