Nothing to be done
Nothing to be done..

weekend at home,
between two homes,
time to read, watch T.V., write, cook, listen to music..
I highly recommend..
Watching: Woody Allen's Bananas, How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying
Having a mind-stimulating conversation about: modern inventions Vs. evolution theory
Reading: (أحسب الناس أن يتركوا) ؟! Scribbles:Walking up the hill...
Checking out: Marcel Khalife CONCERT SCHEDULE
Drinking: Moroccan tea
Listening to: Abu baker salem- ma 3lena ya 7bebe (the original version), anything by Aznavour
Cooking: Gourmet homemade-from-scratch hamburgers
And, last yet not least, I recommend..
Carpe diem.
i'll update the list as the weekend progresses.
________________Update (Some more good reads)
Raf*'s posts what I'd call : world cup 06 for dummies
عندما تذهب إلى الكنيسة
- Well, shall we go?
- Yes, let's go.
They do not move.
two quotes in red are first and last lines of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot .
Posted by SaudiEve at 2:33 PM
You won\'t believe how close I was once to tattooing \"Carpe Diem\" on my left shoulder blade!
Life is 10% how you make it & 90% how you take it. Gotta love it.
You've made int'l news Eve. :)
Mini Я
"You've made int'l news Eve"!!!
did i?..when? where?
I think uve made int'l news too ;),the way i found ur blog was hearing some girls talk at college(in dubai) about a blocked saudi site :)
Congratulations on your newfound fame, even if you didn't ask for it. Saw your blog mentioned in the CS article, and I knew I had to read it.
I notice you're a fan of Beckett. I'd like to steer you and your readers to my friend's blog:
He's a working playwright, with much to say about Beckett, the theater, playwriting, and other things. He's always looking for new readers.
blogless Dan
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. Seize the day, trusting in the next as little as possible. I quote the Latin from memory--not necessarily a good idea--but don't know where my volume of Horace is.
Can't Believe i am listening to Aznavour
Hi Eve.....U made the news girl..:-) Anyway.. I read the story about Saudi woman blogging today on a news site....Interesting reading i thought..I want to ask u a question! Is the male gender of your population so fucking shortsited and stupid. Is their goal in life to suppress the female gender? Is this a way to prove their manhood, if so it is fucking pathetic. Where i live my wife can do what she fucking wants. Eat/shop/swim/drive car/get drunk/demand sex/.....whatever...and we thrive in each otheras company..Life is great. We call this mutual respect...One person can not under any circumstances control/own another person...we gave up this a 1000 years ago....enough of this..reat luck to u eve.....blogg on...I might drop u another line some time..LOVE..TO...U.
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