One post, two versions

in Arabic
لدي حلم يقظة متكرر..
امشي في شارع سعودي, مرتدية عباءة. كل شكل من اشكال المضايقات التي قد تعرضت لها في شارع سعودي (التحديق و المراقبة, التخويف الديني,الدعوات الجنسية الفاضحة...الخ) تتحول بشكل رمزي لإنسان يسحب طرف عبائتي بقوة تختلف بحجم المضايقة. بيدي سلاح شعاعي مستقبلي, اطلق عليهم, فيتبخرون.. يكبر حجمي مع كل طلقة اطلقها, كما ينقطع الجزء المصاب من العباءة.. بعد عدة طلقات اكون قد اصبحت طويلة جداً (بطول منزل من طابقين) و شبه عارية, لم يتبقى من العباءة الا قطعتان تشبهان ما ترتديه الراقصة الشرقية, لكن بلون اسود. مع ذلك فلا احد يقرب مني الآن, لأنهم يخافون.
بعد ذلك, اكمل مشيي في الشوارع السعودية.. انثى, بلا مضايقات.
& In English
I walk a Saudi street.. I'm wearing a abaya.. every type of harassment I've ever been subjugated to on a Saudi street (staring, terrifying religious advice, explicit sexual advances..etc.) are instead represented by one action: people pulling on my abaya, one after the other, force depends on how severe the harassment is..
I carry this futuristic beam weapon, I shoot them, they evaporize.
I become larger with each hit I make.. and the abaya gets torn a bit each time.. after a couple of hits, I'm very large (tall as a two story house) and almost naked, I'm left with a two piece ensemble that looks like a belly dancers' costume but black.. yet no one comes near me now.. they are afraid..
after that, I just walk the streets of Saudi.. feminine, and undisturbed.
Wish I could get pixar to produce it, would make a great animated video clip ...
Posted by SaudiEve at 2:57 PM
مساء الخير
Saudi Eve
اقول على عُجالة
عزيزتي في كل البلدان وفي كل الأوطان العربية التحديق والتخويف والتلصيق ولكن اعتقد ان الخليج هوا الأنجس بين كل هذة الأمكنة .
وفي النهايةالسعار الجنسي هنا
والكبت الجنسي هناك
وكلُُ في فلك يُلعنون.
Welcome back! I love your new posts and am looking forward to reading your blog again!
man thats a really weird dream you mentioned up there ... yet interesting ... if you feel that what you want to see in the future ... sure why not!!!
--- ---
the first Arabic podcast ... listen to us!!
very powerful!
انا مش عارف انتى عايزة تقولي ايه
انتى مع التحرر و العلمانية و لا مع الوسطية و الاعتدال ولا مجرد ضد التصرفات الخاطئة؟
لازم توضحي موقفك بالظبط
Glad to see that you're blogging again.
Bloody hell, you sure have been gone a while. Glad you're posting again though. Welcome back!
صباح الخير
My brother and I never really hung out until I was older. He finally had the "pleasure" of seeing what it was like for me to walk down the street. I was wearing my usual baggy t-shirt and baggy jeans ensemble. I saw him glare at every man we passed who stared or made suggestive noises since they assumed we weren't together, and to my complete delight he shouted "You'd think they'd never seen a pair of BREASTS before!!"
:) It makes me smile even now.
Come to Canada and leave your abaya in Saudi.
Dear Saudi Eve,
My name is Faith, a new blogger on site.. I just started and was inspired mostly because i heard about you and another 2 guys whose blogs were shut down for the same reason.. It was published in a magazine in Jordan; thats were im from.. I 'm really intreaged with your writing.. I can finally say: THANK GOD SOMEONE HAS A TONGUE TO SPEAK.. In other words, thank you for being you and having the courage to do what your doing without being reluctant.. Keep on going & I really hope you thrive more and acheive more.. I'm working on a peice of writing under the same topic so i hope you read it & tell me whats on your mind..
Take care and God bless you..
لك كل الحق في أن تحلمي وهناك وقت ستقومي بما يريحك لأنه حق لك. جرت لي حادثة تعلمت وصدمتني بين الفارق بيننا وبينهم.
بمجرد وصولي إلى أوكرانيا تعرفت إلى فتاة من البلد ، فكما قال لي أصدقائي فهي ستكون أفضل دليل لي في مشاوري وتسوقي.
بعد تجاوز متاعب اللغة بصعوبة بدأت تطلب مني أن أتصرف كما يتصرف الآخرون، أن نلتصق ببعض وجها لوجه في الباص، أن نمسك بأيدي بعض في المواقف. أن أحافظ على دفء يديها بيداي. أن نتبادل سند رأسينا على أكتاف بعض عندما يشعر أحدنا بالنعاس خلال تنقلاتنا. أجمل شيء كان مشاركتي لها بمعطفي. كنت أنتمنى أن يلتقط أحدهم تلك الصورة التي هي قمة الرومانسية، تبادل الدفء بين اثنين. فقلت في نفسي نحن العرب نهلل لمن يذبح إنسان بدواعي مثل الشرف وغير ذلك، ونستنكر من يظهر أي شكل من أشكال المحبة. كذلك حال الرقابة الغبية. كل صور القتل والذبح مسموحة لكن صورة قبلة هي خطر كبير. ياعرب يأمة ضاعت فيها الحقائق بالمظاهر والرياء والزنا اليومي في الظلام.
That's a beautiful post. I'll bet it sounds even better in Arabic.
I linked to you. I have some harsh things to say about Islam at my blog, and some harsher things to say about The Kingdom. I would like to invite you and your readers to visit and share your thoughts, especially if you see something you disagree with.
God bless you! I'll mention you in my prayers.
Hello Eve,
I wrote an article about bloggers and it will be published in the April issue of Enigma Magazine. I am not sure if you get that but it is also on my blog:
You are in it and I hope you like it.
Emmm .... the American Chronicle and a few other sites picked it up .... google my name and you will find it.
Keep it up girl
Thank you for your hard work. I am a Saudi-American woman dreaming the same dreams as you, just in a different place. Please ignore those who criticize you and put you down, they are ignorant of our lives and have no right to stifle our hopes and dreams. When I heard that your blog was being blocked in the kingdom, I became very sad for my cousins and friends who live overseas. This is unjust censorship of a brilliant and beautiful voice. Please keep writing, I promise to keep reading. You are an inspiration to all women. :)
مرحبا بعودتك
المراءة العربية بين المطرقة والسندان
إن العمل على إعطاء المراءة كامل حقوقها وإنصافها من الظلم والاضطهاد يعني بكل بساطة المناداة بحقوق نصف سكان الأرض أي مسالة في غاية الأهمية ودعوة حساسة ونزيهة .
إن المراءة في هذا العالم يجب أن تدرك إن حصولها على حقوقها مرهون بنضالها ومطالبتها ومن تتنازل عن حقوقه لن يجد من يمنحها لها ,وقضية التحرير والمساواة تتطلب كفاح و مؤازرة كل من يتمتع بصفة العدل و الإنصاف .
إن كسب معركة حقوق المراءة مر هون بثلاث عوامل رئيسة هي :
أولا إدراك المراءة ووعيها بشرعية مطالبها.
ثانيا تعليم المراءة لتتمكن من امتلاك السلاح الضروري لكسب المعركة .
ثالثا تعديل التشريعات القانونية التي تكفل حصول المراءة كامل حقوقها.
الدكتور سعد الطائي
Go Girl, I thought the bad guys got you.
هذا الشيء بيحصل بكل مكان بالعالم .. لكن المبالغة الي ما بتكون عن الجميع زي المبالغة الي بالمقال ..ومش بس هيك في شباب بيتعرضو للمضايقات من بنات ايضا لكن باسلوب معين ...على كل احنا بشر بعض الناس بيحترمو انفسهم والبعض لا ..نوخذ الامور ببساطة وما نبالغ ..
محمد خندقجي
دي أول مرة أدخل مدونتك..وأول مرة أدخل مدونة لحد غير مصري أساسا...مدونة حلوة اوي وانتي بتكتبي بشكل رائع فعلا
أحمد - مصر
أشعر أن الرغبة فى التحرر دون خوف هى الهدف
ما تحكيه يحدث فى كل مكان.. بكل الأشكال
لكن حلم يقظتك يرتبط فيه الواقع المرتدى عباءة بشعور بتعاظم القوة فى وجه مدّعين التحفظ
حلم بعيد المنال
so far...
سعدت بالوجود هنا
Sounds like King Kong is about to get a girl friend.
Good to see you around again.
Hi, I'm a new blogger, just finished to read an article edited by an Italian daily paper Repubblica (special insert named DONNA -woman). I am so surprised to see such things can happen, the web is a great help to people like you. Keep on!
Happy to have met you - Teresa
I kinda have the same Dream But with my normal size, I dream about shootin guys in the street...
Hi Saudi Eve,
I'm a journalism graduate student at Stanford University. I'm writing an analysis of how Saudi women are portrayed in the US media and I'd love to get your thoughts on the manner. My email is . My deadline is Tuesday.
I hope you are well!
Hello Saudi Eve,
I work for Estado de S. Paulo (, the leading and most traditional national newspaper in Brazil.
I want to write an article about the women in Saudi Arabia who write in blogs. I was doing some research and found your blog adress in a story on the Christian Science Monitor. I was wondering if you could give me an interview by phone or email - whatever suits you better. I promisse to keep your identity as a secret if you like.
Do you think it would be possible?
I look forward to hearing from you. My email is:
Renata Miranda
Journalist - Estado de S. Paulo
office: 55 11 3856 2338
mob/cell: 55 11 8124 8791
São Paulo - Brazil
About Estado de S. Paulo
The newspaper Estado de S. Paulo is one of the most important and influential in Brazil. It's based on São Paulo, the biggest city and economical heart of the country, and is one of a very small group of Brazilian papers that started its history in the XIX century.
The first edition of Estado de S. Paulo came up in 1875. At that time, it was already aligned with the more progressive sectors of Brazilian society.
It defended the end of slavery, the establishment of a republic (Brazil was a monarchy until 1889) and was the first newspaper in the country to support secret ballot.
Nowadays, Estado de S. Paulo is among the three main quality papers in Brazil. During the weekdays it sells about half a million issues, which is an impressive number for Brazilian standards.
hi, I'm Italian and I've just read about you, your blog and your problems with censure on the newspaper...good job, hold on. Truly. M.
Five months ago, I moved from my home country in Europe to the Kingdom for a work assignment. I consider myself open-minded, and easy going dealing with women and men alike.
Now what kind of frightens me is that I note a change in myself since my arrival. I don't feel so easy about women anymore. I even caught myself staring at a woman in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.. If it had been you, Eve, you certainly would have shot me down ;-)
Eventually, after another 5 months in Saudi, will my behaviour be completely saudizised, and will I start to pull on random abayas???
Hello dear, I have read about you in different blogs and was so intrigued to read some of your thoughts, you do remind me of my angry self a few years ago.
It is frustrating being a woman here in KSA especially Riyadh.. being harassed by men who are salivating at a thought of a woman walking in the street fully veiled!
I can think of a few people I would like to evapurate too.. some matawaa who enjoy insulting & harassing women for instance.. good luck ;)
God help women in Saudi..I as a male cant stand being in saudi and enjoy being here in New Zealand more than going back, I can c how bad women find it being in saudi..god bless u
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