Shde 7elk ya bld..

Usually Eve's posts are serene,
Adventures of a ninja woman..
At a meeting last Sunday a Ninja Woman very discreetly handed me a note that read "please cover your hair, thank you"..
Here's the thing; this isn't the first time.. but, her being all covered up, and me being a not so attentive person, I'm not sure she's the same woman, yet I have a feeling!.
Thus, next time I'll be well prepared for her with a note that reads: "please leave the meeting at once and go kill your mama coz she didn't teach you manners, thank you"
I drive, I sue, I'm a FUCKEN lefty..
What would happen if today, instead of having my chauffeur drive my car, I drive it myself. No, not with twenty other women in a parade manner... No CNN, just plain ol' me... going to work..
What would happen if today, instead of saying "jazak allah 5eir" (God bless you) to any person who recites the hadith of a perfumed woman being an adulterous, I sue for qthf.. and emotional trauma?
What would happen if today, instead of saying "oops", smiling, then passing the spoon to my right hand, I say "I am a fucken LEFTY you fucken imbecile!. I can't eat with my fucken right hand even if it meant that the fucken devil will get a fucken bite of my fucken kabsa. So unless you'd fucken feed me yourself –with your fucken right hand of course- say bon fucken appétit Mr. devil"
…what would happen indeed!
"here comes success"
An international Guru in my field asked me to showcase one of my (dearest) projects at a conference she's organizing.
My thoughts:
1- yippee! that's exactly my dream (to revolutionize the field, and to get a chance to brag about it in front of older, more educated, and experienced people than i)
2- I'm a bit hesitant.. it has to be me who delivers the spectacle, cause it's my baby.. but my voice isn't exactly presentation material (people tend to focus on the voice rather than what I'm saying)
I LOVE that movie, "closer"
*indulge me on this one*
I believe one writes her/his best while on the verge of insanity.
I believe religion is the opium of the masses.
I believe we –as a race- are self-destructive.
I believe perception is the only truth in the world, nothing else is (it's a matter of perception).
I believe in retiring; Work is illogical.
I believe I'm not saying anything genuine. I believe unless I say "ju haw twe" I'll only be mediocre.
I believe that being genuine is overrated.
employee of the month
I did it.
Five consecutive months in Saudi/working.. (yes, this one explains the un-serene post)
Posted by SaudiEve at 2:34 PM
"Closer," gotta love the F bombs.
"I believe one writes her/his best while on the verge of insanity."
Indeed, I tend to write my best when I'm insanely pissed off.
"I believe religion is the opium of the masses."
I think religion is not that bad, it's just blind religiosity what F's people up. It's contagious, too.
"I believe we –as a race- are self-destructive."
Look up, 'Survival of the fittest' :p
"I believe perception is the only truth in the world, nothing else is (it's a matter of perception)."
I believe expectation is. Your expectation alters your perception all the time.
"I believe in retiring; Work is illogical."
I keep telling people that I'll be a professional student someday because I refuse to be a tortured member of the disenfranchised proletariat serving capitalism :p
"I believe that being genuine is overrated."
Tell me about it :|
Mabrook on your employee of the month thingi.
Welcome back!
i guess they couldn't silence you for long :)
way to go
I really like the movie "Closer" too :)
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