مخدرات, فحل, و مستشفى -مره أخرى

One post, two versions: In Arabic
بيتر بان, يا بيتر بان
الضفدع الذي قبلت تحول لإنسان
و قال لي احبك و قال سأكون هناك
عندما تذهبين, تستسلمين, و يثيروا ريبتك
و عندما تسمعين
كلمة: حميد
و غداً سأذهب للمشفى,
و غداً سيحدثوني عن غرز و مخدرات موضعية بسيطة
و غداً سيثيرون ارتيابي
و غداً سيقطعوا من جسمي الحبيب و يحللوا و يردوا السؤال
و سأنتظر كلمة: حميد
بيتر بان, يا بيتر بان
الضفدع الذي قبلت تحول لإنسان
One post, two versions: In English
Peter pan, oh peter pan
The toad I kissed turned into a man
And said I love you, and said
I'll be there when you go, surrender, feel suspicious
And when you hear the word; Benign
And tomorrow I'll go to the hospital
And tomorrow they'll talk of stitches and a local anesthetic
And tomorrow they'll make me suspicious
And tomorrow they'll cut my beloved body, run tests, and answer a question
And I'll wait for the word; Benign
Peter pan, oh peter pan
The toad I kissed turned into a man
Posted by SaudiEve at 4:14 AM
may you be well.
sending good, healthy vibes your way.
hope all is well, try updating the post.
dear eve...
may you be safe of any harm...
wishing u a long happy life free of any sort of pain...
Hope you are well Saudi Eve. Keep posting please!
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