Posted by SaudiEve at 11:23 PM

The Bastard & I..
سمعتُ في المذياعْ
تحيةَ المشرّدينَ.. للمشرّدينْ
قالَ الجميعُ: كلّنا بخيرْ
لا أحدٌ حزينْ ؛
.. You held my hand today, I did not mind. We have so much in common, you and I. The bastard and the bitch; the only two who did not survive… 1995.
They all went home, all went home. The good, the bad, and the eternally lost all went home. Us two, oh so promising us two, still walking. We did not survive.. You bit my hand today, I did not mind..
We met each other only once before, we were walking then, ten years ago, still walking today you kissed my hand, I did not mind. Living among strangers is hard, nobody cares for you and I.. Nobody knows what to do with us if they do.
.. Left here, among strangers, strangers who eat fast food, and make love to their pals, you felt at home in my hand, and I did not mind.
Posted by SaudiEve at 11:04 PM

i have nothing to say.
Posted by SaudiEve at 11:43 PM

An open letter to” My Angel”______
When, thirteen years ago, I called you “My Angel” I should’ve been more specific… For, as you know, “Beelzebub” is an angel, “Azrael” too.
Upon leaving Riyadh, it speaks to me_______
“You must leave..
it’s no coincidence, Eve!
that out of my barren land nothing grows but ..…
Fg3 and Petrol; Sterile-ness and decay”...
Posted by SaudiEve at 11:03 PM

Monologue of a self-proclaimed workaholic
في طريقي للعمل كل صباح اتذكر هذه الأبيات التي كثيراً ما رددتها علي امي عندما كنت طفله صغيره...
نفسي التي تملك الاشياء ذاهبتاً
فكيف ابكي على شيء اذا ذهبَ
و أفكر
نفسي التي تستيقض, لتشرب القهوة, لتقرأ الصحيفة , لتذهب للعمل
نفسي التي تصلي الى الله, الذي لا تعرفه كثيراً, تصلي كثيراً لينجح العمل
نفسي التي كل يومٍ تعمل بعزم اكبر, بجهد اكثر كي ينجح العمل
نفسي التي لو لم يكن لديها هذا العمل.... لما عرفت بهذه الحياه ما العمل
Posted by SaudiEve at 1:21 AM

A salute to all you sweet lovers out there…
Boy has Flu..She sms’d him:
let’s apologize to
our friends, get a
hotel room; u rest,
I be with u.
He sms’d her back:
I love you Eve.
Boy has big heart..
You took me out to dinner, fed me.
You made love to me, then bathed me.
You talked to me, you smiled.
You were kind.
when my girlfriend broke up with her BF and cried, You reached for my hand, kissed it, held it, then closed your eyes in awe.
You bought me chocolate when I had my usual PMS cravings.
You kissed me in a street, under the rain.
You wrote me a letter, to read when I miss you.
You bought me a ring, never to take off.
You laughed with me, slept in my arms, talked of your dreams and
You watched TV with me, in bed at night.
You cried. You said “please stay”.
You told me how happy I make you feel, how safe.
You called me with sweet little names, I’ve never been called before.
You never held out, never held out…
You loved my perfume, my hands, my French manicure, my Gucci shoes, my jeans pantacor, my silk skirt, my hair.
You never held out, never held out…
Boy has dick..
Boy meets girl..
Boy is sick..
“There’s a Panadol pill..
in Lords hotel..”
Girl can’t think..
Boy has dick..
Girl said “yes,
Yes, oh , yes”
Girl wants to leave..
her hair is a mess.
Boy said, “don’t!”
“Stay, oh, stay”
“Shower, eat, then watch TV”
Boy wrote a letter,
Boy bought a ring.
Boy fell asleep,
Girl didn’t blink.
Boy said, “I love you”,
“never leave me alone”
Girl said “but, why?”
Boy was first
She saw cry.
Boy felt safe,
Boy is small.
Girl bought a tie,
Girl is tall.
Girl said good-bye
got on plane
“you’ll be ok”
“I’ll come back again”
Girl got home
Girl got sick
Girl wants back
To Boy with a dick
Posted by SaudiEve at 7:59 AM