Angry.. Venting… don’t make much of it!

“Eve You are killing me!…killing me!
killing my love for you.. you are…
any spontaneity we might still have you -with your secrecy- killed!
Enough is enough! I got it already! You are ashamed of us! Ashamed of me! I got it it! Ashamed of being in a relationship with me… no need to torture me more … I got it !!
you treat me the same exact f#%*n way you treat your employees…
With all this, this damn secrecy orders…
this overdone cautiousness…
“lower your voice!”
“don’t say my name!”
“don’t speak in front of the help!”
don’t ! don’t ! don’t !…who fuckin cares about your love-life Eve?
who do you think you are? Ha!
Am I in love with one of the… the …the British royal family with out me knowing?? Answer me ya queen Elizabeth !!
Do you think you’re that important!!!
Who Do You THINK Is Watching You ?
Are you a mossad secret agent and haven’t told me!!!
Ha! Answer me! … listen to me Eve! I’ll talk where I wanna talk and I’ll say what I wanna say in front of whom I ever I wanna!!!!! Did you hear me!”
This person just doesn’t understand shit!!! …
Yes, I have gone overboard with it. Yes, I am paranoid when it comes to scandals. And yes, I mean to be even more secretive than Princess Diana because, to my dismay, I AM CONCIDERED MORE OF A ROYALTY in my social circles than she was in the UK. What that person doesn’t get is that I have ALL the right to be paranoid; if someone has a gun stuck to your head what kind of a f%$#in imbecile would blame you if you act with caution? …. No one! Furthermore, what stupid f%#k would demand that you react any different because that gun has been stuck there for … let’s say… five years!…ten years!… would it even make any difference if it has been there for FIFTEEN YEARS? Doesn’t take a genius to know that it doesn’t!
As any f%#$en Saudi gal I have had, not a gun, but a whole arsenal which I call “eve’s-personal-life-fan-club”, a war zone of preying eyes and ears and asses following me where ever I go, what ever I do… at school, at collage, at work, at social events, in my car, in the street, in a shopping mall, even in another continent!!! When I’m a model, God-fearing, all virtuous Saudi gal just as much as and as persistent as in my liberated, in-your-face phases … you name it, In Saudi Arabia we have just the appropriate scandal that goes with it! And with all the oil money we even have just the right technology to exploit it to its maximum scale!
-1- I hate this post. I hate the fact that by writing about it I am in fact dignifying this pattern of ill behavior (I.e., interfering and peeping into people’s personal lives). I consider it beneath me to get into such retarded methods.
-2- PEOPLE! Comment with caution, coz I’m mad as hell ;-) … (very stressful week).
A small hint: I can trash-talk Saudi coz I’m half Saudi, and I lived here for a while so I’ve earned it!… if you’re a Saudi you can trash-talk Saudi too.
Posted by SaudiEve at 11:38 AM
since you are not typing any thing wrong and even by words you dont have to trash any thing.
keep going
and if u dont mind i want to put banner for your site in my blog
Okay...;) it would have been fun and dangerous talking to you in the kitchen!!! whats' that all about!!! Take all out Girl !@#$%^&*
I can't understand exactly who's spying on you Eve? ,members of your own family? ,is that happening to any other girl in your family?
i liked this blog but then i found this comment by u in lenno's blog that tells me u r one of those saudis who have a problem with their 'saudiness'and that is sad.
one day when it's too late u will
learn that you were wrong.
moliko, sweet moliko:
sure, you may place a banner for me on your site...&thanks
thanks for the support
off course you can't understand!... only saudi's would. and no, it ain't my family who spies on me... in saudi, the whole country spies on any "female"'s love life. :-(
well, to be fair, most arabs have a tendency to "spy" on any arab "female"'s love life ... but not as much as in saudi.
i have no idea which comment u're talking about ... 3a al3mom, i'm sorry if one of my comments offended you in any way...
hmmm!...was it the one about getting laid? loool
or the one about saudi males vs. non-saudi males?
abu sinan:
it depends, how many 1/2 saudi kids do you have ? :-)
(raf) :
# 2: "the right to criticism is not restricted to "locals" only" You are totally right...(hmmm ... i just noticed that you are always right!!!)
P.S. : i'll be hitting the "escape" button in about twenty days from now ...
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