Poor Old yellow Saudi Arabia

So much going on in my head
and more in my heart …… yet I’m unable to write…
For example, one of my most passionate lovers started recently sending me signs of his much-awaited arrival; my winter is arriving soon.
Winter started showing its pretty face a couple of days ago…. Through “fog”. This is how you know winter is coming to Saudi Arabia … it comes to give this yellow country it’s colors back… in the summer -which lasts most of the year- everything looks yellow … the sky is yellow, the sand is yellow, even the see turns yellow… our harsh unforgiving sun seems to spread its color all over everything it touches …almost all year long, we Saudi’s, see no colors but yellow.
The winter promises change to my pitiful yellow Saudi Arabia … the dull yellow desert environment changes into blue cloudy skies, wet grassy sands, and of course white peaceful and romantic “Fog” , the black and white clothes we wear all year change, the air conditioning air we breath for a whole year change , the food we eat…. , the time we wake up …. Winter comes to my yellow routine-confined Saudi Arabia and "gently" changes everything .
Other thoughts will find their way to my blog …. Hopefully soon ;-)
Posted by SaudiEve at 1:07 AM
Oh how I miss my yellow country..
هاها .. حلو أوى تعبير .. واحد من أكثر عشاقى بدأ يرسل لى علامات وصوله المرتقب
أسلوبك جميل .. وحكاية اللون الأصفر دى أكيده فعلا .. هوه دايما لون كئيب
Happy winter
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