Friday, December 02, 2005


First Saudi women elected to Jeddah’s chamber of commerce board :
Whenever there’s Saudi’s discussing this subject, or other similar matters, one cannot but notice a re-occurring sentence.”…. so Saudi women could prove to the world that they are capable of blah blah blah…” I’ve heard it on TV, read it in newspapers, I even came across it on different blogs.

Well, my dear People who say this sentence…. I have some NEWS for you!!!!
Saudi women DO NOT have to “prove” shit for “the world”.
You see, “the world”, does not suspect nor have a pre-conceived notion of incompetence on part of Saudi females! As a matter of fact, if you haven’t heard, “the worldstopped having those kinds of ideas regarding any Human since… huh!… the fuckin dark ages!!!

So next time you feel inclined to say such a comment try to place credit where it’s due and rather chose from the following whatever may suit your taste: prove to gender-segregated-Saudi, to Saudi’s sexist men, to Saudi’s religious extremists, or even to Saudi wahabi’s….. I don’t care, as long as you say anything but “to the world”!!!
Thank you!

Posted by SaudiEve at 4:58 PM


  1. Blogger Unknown posted at 7:04 PM, December 02, 2005  
    Well, Saudieve. They say that at every first thing in Saudi Arabia. Our media has problem with every feminine thing.

    But for international media, it's normal for me that KSA is getting more attention these days as many changes are happening in just short time.
  2. Blogger ordinary girl posted at 2:44 AM, December 03, 2005  
    Hassan... for Godz sake, what changes are we talking about!!! and My head do you actually believe that our society has any Dammn respect for dickless creaturs GIVE ME A BREAK!!! it is still THE men world out there and moreover very judgmental one too.. Females cannot talk walk sleep read eat...... without being WATCHED!!!
    walk in the streets and you will see it!!
  3. Blogger Unknown posted at 3:11 AM, December 03, 2005  
    Ordinary Girl,
    You and myself may not consider things like first elections, women participating in Jeddah elections, arguments about women driving, women being news presenters as changes... etc.
    But international media think they are when compared to our past.
    That's their view.
  4. Blogger Trevelyana posted at 7:54 AM, December 03, 2005  
    Hey Eve--

    I had to go back to my blog to make sure I didn't write that so I wouldn't sound like a hypocrite heh..

    But if you think about it, the "world" isn't exactly impressed with us. I'll have to disagree with you on "“the world", does not suspect nor have a pre-conceived notion of incompetence on part of Saudi females"

    .. I think they veery much do. When I tell people I'm from Saudi their eyes bulge and they ask "oh you're allowed to be out like this and get an education!?"
    and no it's not ignorant people.. it's your everday incounters..

    Either way.. I'm quite proud of our progress.. slowly but surely! :)
  5. Blogger ahmed posted at 7:18 PM, December 03, 2005  
    My point of view is..U can't generalize that for ALL Saudi males..They are Saudi's who think that females should take bigger roles, bigger responsibilities and much more involvement in the society.
  6. Blogger ordinary girl posted at 11:03 PM, December 03, 2005  
    True that such men do exsit although the scoiety in this case will fight both them and the females!!!
  7. Blogger ordinary girl posted at 2:44 AM, December 04, 2005  
    Agool.. with all due rescpect what you are talking about is very easy to say..
    it is not about weakness but things might become out of control..
    physical abuse, preventing from schools, force her to get married and the list goes on...
    whom are you kidding girls do whatever it takes to be left alone!!
  8. Blogger SaudiEve posted at 11:25 PM, December 10, 2005  
    My Oh My!
    My fellow bloggers had themselves Quite a discussion here

    Sorry for not joining in earlier------- Eve was busy+tired+traveling all over Saudi+mad at her dr.+mad at her daddy(whom she’ll blog about sooooon- revenge blog ;-) )++++++ Eve always is are was in into all over TROUBLE.
  9. Blogger SaudiEve posted at 1:33 AM, December 22, 2005  
    huh!....wait a minute, let me think about it....
    hmmm, N E V E R!

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